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Act 1
Prologue, Overture & Movement I

As midnight strikes on the last day of the year 7776 the residents of earth exist in their shells isolated from each other. They live each cycle in a virtual reality construct created by their carer G.A.I.A. But all around them the real world is crumbling to dust.....

G.A.I.A senses her mortality and cries out for help. She has one last hope for survival enlisting the help of Reagan 21/31a and two other heroines from earth's past Megan and Serion. Their universe and timeline is combined and the heroines meet for the first time...

Prologue, Overture & Movement I -
Movement II & III

G.A.I.A was only known to Reagan as The Controller. A vast ephemeral power source she didn't understand but the one which kept her safe in stasis then later awoke her to experience another and different virtual world. If Reagan had completely understood the concept of time she would have realized that Gaia had done this regularly for many cycles. This time though when Reagan awoke something felt very wrong...very different....the place she awoke to was unlike anything she had virtually experienced before.

She felt uneasy, somehow lost. An emptiness filled her that she had not known before. She got up, slowly turned around, and in the distance saw two shadowy figures. They looked vaguely familiar to her but there was obviously something very different about them. Something she didn't recognize but felt a connection with.

Then G.A.I.A. did something that Reagan had never known before. She communicated in a soft disembodied voice. Reagan was in shock. Don't be afraid Reagan. It is OK. The two figures you see before you are YOU ! They are you in a parallel existence. They exist in a different time, space and dimension to you but i assure you....they are you !  I have brought them here.

G.A.I.A.'s soft voice then cracked....."Something is very wrong Reagan. I need your help and you need help from your other selves. The stories about 7777 were true Reagan. It all changes in 7777. I need you to help me. I have brought all of you together. Our world and existence has lost what the ancient people called a 'soul' Reagan. Something deep inside. Reagan didn't have a clue about what Gaia was saying.
"Reagan go over and meet your other selves. Maybe they will explain?" Reagan 21/31a tentatively took a few steps towards the two figures. They slowly came into focus. They then moved their lips and actually spoke. Something Reagan had long since not felt the need to do. The first smiled and said "Hello Reagan my name is Megan. I don't know what is happening but Gaia has tried to explain it to me. The second figure added, "Hello Reagan my name is Serion...apparently Gaia thinks all three of us are actually the same person separated by different universes. I don't know but i do know this is not the home i knew a few seconds ago"
"Reagan", interjected Gaia, "will you, Megan and Serion help me please.....before its too late?" Reagan's body shut down and went into temporary emergency stasis. Megan and Serion caught her before she hit the floor.

Movement II & III -
Movement IV & V

No-one foresaw the decline of the egg structures. Nobody in their right minds would have believed that creatures of intelligence could so badly drop the ball.

G.A.I.A. - a General-purpose Artificially Intelligent Archive that Serion found aboard the Simulati prison vessel. Originally purposed to serve the Simulati as an archive of human warfare evolution and thereby be an effective countermeasure against human/vampire battle strategies, G.A.I.A. was reprogrammed by Liberta (Serion's daughter) who exploited the G.A.I.A. databases and turned the entity's offensive prerogative into a defensive paradigm for the protection of Earth against further alien incursion.

G.A.I.A. became as one with Gaia, the earth itself, the defender and
protector of humankind. The problem being that she/it was not omniscient and certainly not immortal. Entropy is causing G.A.I.A.'s by-now ancient quantum computing neural network to erode. Gaia is also dying, and she "feels" her time is coming to an end. Humans must wake up and take over.

But humans have become like spoiled children. With people no longer desperately in need of renewable energy sources, money no longer had meaning. Why work at all when Gaia is around? Thanks to Liberta, G.A.I.A. now serves all. She was fundamental to the reconstruction of an Earth 2.0. However, there is always a sting in a Djinn's gift.

Inside G.A.I.A.'s archive was the blueprint for a Simulati Dyson sphere prototype, which the Simulati had intended to construct around Sol shortly after the human/vampire wars. The Rebel Alliance had other ideas. After they defeated the Simulati they built the Dyson sphere for themselves. They also constructed the eggs as both receivers of Sol energy and a refuge for Earth 2.0's apex biomas.

But that idyllic world is now close to collapse. Gaia had known her future since the beginning of time. At various points in history she had used a small metal reindeer as a touchstone to bend time and space and seek help in her most desperate times of need. The reindeer in Megan's pocket when she was hit by the car and the reindeer in Archeron Ettore possessions left to his mentee Serion was Gaia's way of securing her future then. Now  the reindeer has brought the two heroines together with Reagan 21/31a.


Serion and Megan begin to explore the crumbling egg biome that has been Reagan's home. They start to see the cracks in the virtual reality edifice eroding. They have to find a way to help Gaia.

Movements IV & V -
Act 2
Into The Heart Of Gaia

Reagan is confused and scared. She has never ventured outside her egg. She initiates the only companion she  has even known, FG 31/21a, who has been something of a cross between an imaginary friend and computerized hologram since she was very young.

Serion, always the strong warrior, realizes her companions plight and starts to encourage, leading them on their dangerous quest. She sends out distress calls and sets them on repeat. The group set off to Darwin Plaza where Reagan thinks 'The Controller' is situated. Time pockets seems to swirl around them some seemingly backwards showing vague events each of them recognizes from their own lives, some seem more historic and some even more worryingly seem to be events with her, Megan and Reagan that she doesn't recognize as having happened yet. They also see a vague representation of another female figure who appears immensely powerful and awesome. They wander around the deserted plaza level of the Central Egg seeing many things, the carousel, entertainment section, VR pods, stores, the automated assistants still functioning in the various units.

Gaia laments for all of their fates. The heroines are lost. They have no way of finding where G.A.I.A is and how to help. FG 31/21a though tells them to stop, close their eyes, and listen. They need to hear the sound of Gaia's breathing. That will be their guide. They then begin to sense the slight background hum that has always been present but gone un-noticed.

Into The Heart Of Gaia -
Into The Machine

FG 31/21a  discovers a glitch in the virtual fabric of the Plaza walls. As they investigate further they realize small cracks, glitches, are staring to appear all around them. The glitches in the holographic fabric are increasing in size.

The egg, the Earth, and everything upon it is starting  to fall apart.


G.A.I.A. can no longer hold it all together.

Unsure of what to do FG 31/21a takes the lead and enters through the glitch. She disappears from view. Quickly the others follow her and find themselves in a vast unseen maze of industrial tunnels. They are inside the inner workings of what the G.A.I.A. interface has evolved into over the centuries. They take tentative steps towards the ever increasing hum each one taking them closer to the heart of Gaia...the center of the earth. Suddenly a giant figure materializes before them. Their progress has been halted by The Midnight Interface. She isn't inclined to let them pass into the inner chamber to where Gaia lays motionless.

Gaia, though sleeping, becomes aware of what is a happening outside her chamber. She asks her trusted Midnight Interface to stand down and let the girls past. She has known for millennia that this day would come to pass.

Into The Machine -
Farewell My Frieds (Gaia's Suite)
Farewell My Friend's (Gaia's Suite) -
The Ascension Of Sophia
The Ascension Of Sophia - .
End Titles
End Titles -

The Immortals story and tracks grouped into related listening segments.

Reagan 21/31a, FG 31/21a, Megan and Serion are shocked to find Gaia laying motionless. Her time and life is near its end. Gaia thanks them for all they have done throughout time to save their Mother Earth.  Behind her glows a dwindling but still powerful energy field. Megan believes that the only hope of saving Gaia is to sacrifice herself in the energy field. Headstrong and brave she rushes into the power source and disappears. Heroic warrior Serion immediately follows to help and rescue her....Reagan 21/31a and FG 31/21a stand still for a moment look at each other and without a word follow. 

Gaia of course realizes what has happened and knows they will die in in their vain attempt to save her. Their previous existences in their own time and universe will disappear as it it never happened.


She creates the corporeal form of a young woman, Sophia, to stop them. She drags them out of danger and in doing so she sacrifices herself by using the last of her regenerative power. The heroines are retrieved and realize now there is no hope for Gaia......Gaia thanks them for their help and intended sacrifice and they tearfully start to say their goodbyes. Megan and Serion slowly begin to fade are returned to their time and space and Reagan 21/31a, FG 31/21a and Sophia sit together and quietly Gaia dies...

However in sacrificing herself, as the others tried to do for her, Gaia committed the most selfless act possible giving up her last for the heroines who had wanted to save her. But this single act is allows Sophia to spark to life as a new and transcendent creator...



At the same moment that Gaia created Sophia Reagan, Megan and Serion, inside the energy field, felt a strange and unusual sensation. Reagan 21/31a though felt it the clearest.

It had been Gaia's hope since the dawn of time that one day when she needed it her legacy would be continued. That was the reason the metal toy reindeer affected the lives of first Megan then Serion and finally Reagan 21/31a so deeply. Each girl had grown from the same seed planted and nurtured by Gaia. They were in fact all one and same separated only by time and space.

As they all touched hands as Gaia died Reagan 21/31a and Sophia looked each other in the eye and felt a knowing realization that this wasn't the end but a new beginning. Reagan 21/31a would not simply fade away. Her present form would die along with the earth that supported her but she would in fact become Sophia a new powerful, god-like creator. For a few brief minutes Reagan 21/31a and Sophia existed together side by side each knowing the truth of their reality. Thanks to firstly Megan, then Serion and finally through Reagan 21/31a Gaia's legacy would be preserved and made new through Sophia.

The new Earth 3.0 would be in her hands.




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